Top 10 Law of Attraction Books

Given that there are tons and tons of Law of Attraction books and resources these days, it might be hard to choose where to begin. This list that I’m providing you with is the 10 best Law of Attraction classics that have stood the test of time. They should form the foundation for your understanding and application of the law.

Admittedly these are also some of my favorite personal development books and I constantly find myself revisiting them every now and again to realign my perspectives and seek guidance from age old wisdom. In fact, many of the authors on this list have already passed on from our world, but their wisdom and experiences remain a shining beacon to those who seek to create a powerful reality that they can be proud of.

I go into greater detail for each of these books, but in case you just wanted to see the full list immediately here you go:
  1.  The Secret – Rhona Byrne
  2. Think & Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
  3. You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay
  4. The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D. Wattles
  5. The Strangest Secret – Earl Nightingale
  6. Power of Intention – Dr. Wayne Dyer
  7. Leveraging the Universe – Mike Dooley
  8. The Soulmate Secret – Arielle For
  9. The Key to Living the Law of Attraction – Jack Canfield
  10. Ask & It Is Given — Abraham Hicks

It is highly possible that reading all the books in this list will change your life for the better. If you’re serious about manifesting a life of abundance and you aren’t afraid to construct your own positive reality, then I encourage you to devour these titles with great passion and eagerness to learn as I did. Your dedication to success and deep thirst for knowledge itself will be the catalyst of the Law of Attraction springing into action and bringing the right influences and opportunities to you! Learn more here:


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